The Technate of North America: How the New Oligarchy Plans to Rule the Future
Democracy Is Over. The Technate Is Here. What Comes Next?
Hey, Slick!
Let Me Tell You How This Ends.
I know this coup is confusing. No tanks. No firefights. No dramatic declarations. Just a slow, deliberate erosion of everything you thought was real.
You still vote, but elections don’t decide anything. You still have laws, but they don’t constrain those who rule. The government still exists, but it doesn’t govern. Because the coup already happened.
They didn’t seize power. They absorbed it.
The billionaires became the state while you were still debating politics.
The corporations took over governance while you were fighting culture wars.
And now, they are consolidating their rule—while most people still believe they live in a democracy.
This is not a transition to fascism. Not traditional authoritarianism. Not capitalism as we knew it. This is something new. And it has a name: the Technate of North America.
They don’t need your vote, they don’t need your approval; they just need you to remain dependent on the system they built.
1. The Coup Already Happened—You Just Haven’t Admitted It Yet
Most people still think we’re “in danger” of losing democracy.
They don’t realize it’s already over.
What we are witnessing now is not a coup—it’s the consolidation phase.
The government still exists, but it doesn’t rule.
The state still operates, but it serves corporate interests.
Democracy is still performed, but it no longer determines power.
Billionaires absorbed the state while you were distracted. The regulatory agencies became rubber stamps for their business models. Elections became managed performances with no impact on who actually governs.
They perfected this playbook in business before applying it to government. Break the system, buy up the wreckage, then claim to be the only solution left.
This is not an erosion. This is a transition. The Technate is already in place; now, they are making sure you never get your power back.
2. The Heist: How They Engineered the Collapse to Seize Power
This is not just capitalism failing.
This is not just democracy breaking down.
This is not just the natural cycle of empires falling.
This is an engineered, controlled collapse.
They used this playbook in Silicon Valley first:
Deregulate, disrupt, monopolize. Crush competitors, rewrite the rules, then lock in control.
Loot public infrastructure. Amazon killed local businesses while running on subsidized postal services. Tesla thrived on tax credits while lobbying against regulation. Uber broke taxi laws until they owned the market.
Crash the system, then offer themselves as the only solution. They didn’t create a free market; they created monopolies built on wreckage. Now, they’re doing the same thing to democracy.
Now, they’re using the same methods in politics. The Shock Doctrine was once used abroad—now it’s being deployed at home.
Step 1: Break the System Faster Than It Can React
Disrupt, monopolize, then deregulate entire sectors.
Hollow out public institutions, creating engineered dysfunction.
Make people believe the government is inherently broken.
Step 2: Extract Maximum Power While Hollowing Out Institutions
Privatize infrastructure while keeping the state for enforcement.
Replace democratic oversight with “expert panels” staffed by their own.
Funnel tax dollars into private hands while claiming “government doesn’t work.”
Step 3: Engineer Collapse to Justify Their Takeover
Create market instability, economic precarity, and mass confusion.
Manipulate the media to make collapse seem inevitable.
Present corporate governance as the only functional alternative.
They don’t fear chaos—they profit from it. But only as long as they control it, Slick.
People keep asking why the government keeps failing. The truth is, this is not failure—it’s success. The system is working exactly as they designed it to.
Step 4: Replace Democracy With Corporate Feudalism
Government by AI models, automated “justice” systems, and pay-for-access rights.
A system where your survival depends on remaining within their network.
The final merger of digital infrastructure with direct economic control.
They don’t need a coup. They just need to make democracy unworkable.
Surveillance, once designed for foreign enemies, is now turned inward.
Shock-and-awe tactics, once used to destabilize regimes abroad, are now used to destabilize the population at home.
This is the same playbook—just with a new target.
3. The Technate: The System They’re Building to Replace Democracy
Democracy was never the end goal for them. Control was.
What comes next is not just corporate rule—it’s an entire governance system structured like a digital feudal state.
This model isn’t new. The concept of a Technate dates back to Technocracy Inc., a 1930s movement that proposed replacing politicians with scientific and engineering elites who would govern society through technological systems. No prices. No markets. Just the efficient allocation of resources based on energy usage.

Musk himself echoed this idea, stating that “Price is irrelevant in the long term.” In the Technate’s framework, money is secondary to control. It’s not about wealth—it’s about governance through engineered scarcity, algorithmic management, and total control over participation.
No elections. Just platform governance.
No citizenship. Just digital access.
No rights. Just Terms of Service.
You do not vote, you subscribe. You do not have rights, you have privileges that can be revoked. You do not have representation, you have AI-led arbitration.
A world where:
Housing, food, and healthcare exist—but only within their network.
Your participation in society depends on your compliance.
Every transaction, every movement, every thought is recorded and scored.
They don’t need to outlaw resistance—they just need to make it impossible to survive outside their system.
The future they envision isn’t just corporate dominance. It’s a new form of civilization, where:
Energy credits replace money, tying all human activity to an optimized resource allocation model.
Algorithmic governance replaces law, ensuring 'rational' decision-making at the expense of autonomy.
Survival depends on continuous submission to the system’s dictates.
This is how they justify it: Efficiency. Rationality. Fairness.
They will say this eliminates corruption, that AI removes bias.
They will argue that energy allocation is a “scientific” way to manage civilization.
They will claim democracy is inefficient—too chaotic, too slow, too emotional.

But efficiency is a euphemism for total control. This is not about fairness—it’s about rule by numbers.
The Technate is not capitalism. It is not socialism. It is a cybernetic control system masquerading as a utopia.
And who rules in this system? The new aristocracy—the self-declared engineers of human destiny. They see themselves as hyper-competent, uniquely rational, and deserving of control over a world they believe is too irrational to govern itself.
4. The Fourth Political Theory: The Blueprint for the End of Democracy
Books that are hard to find, Slick, are usually hard to find for a reason. And in this case, it’s a hell of an oversight.
Because if you really want to understand the occult, Crowleyesque machinery behind power’s darker currents, you need to get your hands on Alexander Dugin’s The Fourth Political Theory. If you’re looking, free pdf versions are easier to find on obscure websites than a physical copy or a verified ebook.
Dugin’s 4PT lays out a post-liberal, imperial vision—one that, in its own way, mirrors what we’re seeing unfold now.
Dugin’s 4PT calls for the death of liberalism and the rise of an imperial aristocracy.
The American 4PT achieves the same goal—only under the rule of corporate warlords instead of monarchs.
Both assume collapse is not just inevitable, but necessary—because only through ruin can they seize control of what comes next.
Different empire. Same blueprint. Same blood ritual.
Dugin’s version is religious-nationalist; the Technate version is financial, technological, and AI-driven.
But at its core, both share the same metaphysics of collapse.
Dugin frames modernity as a force of creeping nihilism—the erosion of meaning, the destruction of tradition, the death of spiritual purpose. In his view, we are living through the last days of an exhausted system. The West, stripped of Being (Sein), drifts toward nothingness. But this moment of crisis—what Heidegger called the loss of Dasein—is not a tragedy. It is an opportunity.
I’ll tell you more about the Fourth Political Theory another time, Slick. But for now, you gotta understand that for Dugin, collapse must be accelerated to force a reckoning—to bring Being back into existence.
And here is where the Technate and 4PT align:
They do not fear collapse. They seek it.
They believe they will be the ones to shape what comes after.
They are not saving the system. They are destroying it to claim power over the ruins.
Both rely on apocalypse as a gateway to power:
Dugin believes in an eschatological rebirth.
The Technate believes in a technological Singularity.
Both justify suffering as a necessary purification.
Dugin wants the death of liberalism to pave the way for a new empire.
The Technate wants the death of democracy to justify corporate rule.
But both really serve the same function, Slick: to keep the oligarchs in place.
The crisis is manufactured. The narrative is engineered. And the result? A system where power does not return to the people—it is simply redistributed among a new aristocracy.
And here’s where eugenics fits in: A system that believes in ‘optimized governance’ inevitably believes in optimized people.
Who gets access to energy credits? The most ‘productive.’
Who gets access to longevity treatments? The most ‘valuable.’
Who decides? The same oligarchs engineering the collapse.
They are not just designing a future where they rule. They are designing a future where only they belong.
5. Their Final Vision: The Pax Americana of the Technate
The Technate is not just about control—it’s about the reconfiguration of global power. The nation-state is obsolete in their eyes, a relic of an inefficient past. What comes next is something more ambitious, more totalizing. A system that eliminates borders, national governance, and political institutions—not in the name of freedom, but in the name of optimized administration.
Borders are irrelevant—only economic zones matter.
Your nation does not govern you—the network does.
What matters is not citizenship, but whether you are integrated into the system.
This is the Pax Americana of the Technate—a seamless, borderless corporate empire where governance is privatized, citizenship is obsolete, and participation is conditional.
The Gulf of America: The New Power Axis
They are not just reshaping America. They are reshaping the world. The vision of the Technate is expansionist, but not in the way past empires expanded. Instead of military annexation, they absorb through economic dependency and technological integration.
The “Gulf of America” vision seeks to integrate Greenland to Colombia as a seamless corporate empire.
Governance happens through economic control, not political rule.
AI-driven systems replace traditional governance structures.
Those who reject integration are economically starved until they submit.
The Technate does not conquer with armies—it conquers with supply chains, digital platforms, and economic strangleholds.
A Multipolar World, but With No Restraints at Home
While the Technate expands its control over its own economic sphere, it does not seek to dominate Eurasia outright. Instead, the world is increasingly divided into regional power blocs, each with its own ‘backyard.’
The U.S. and its allies control the Western hemisphere and extend dominance over the Gulf of America.
Russia and China dominate Eurasia as their respective spheres of influence.
Each bloc operates under its own techno-feudal order, where oligarchs rule unchallenged within their respective zones.
This is the real vision of a multipolar world: not a balance of power, but mutually accepted fiefdoms, where each ruling elite is free to impose its model without interference.
U.S. tech lords treat Latin America as an economic colony.
Russia and China control their peripheries through economic and military coercion.
Europe is squeezed from both sides, reduced to a transactional partner rather than a global player.
This explains why bullying neighboring regions is not an accident—it’s the system working as designed.
Western elites accept Eurasian control over their zones because it grants them full domestic control in return. No outside force will challenge their rule—only internal resistance remains.
Why They Believe This Will Work
To them, this is not tyranny—it is optimization. They believe that:
Governments are inefficient; economic forces should rule instead.
Human decision-making is flawed; AI should replace democratic governance.
Borders are inefficient obstacles to economic growth.
The masses do not need autonomy—they need management.
In their minds, they are not destroying democracy—they are replacing it with something better: a rational, frictionless system where everything is controlled for maximum efficiency.
But efficiency is the excuse—power is the goal.
The Pax Americana of the Technate is not peace—it is total control, disguised as inevitability.
6. The Psy-Ops: Manufacturing Consent for the Technate
The most effective form of control isn’t force—it’s belief. The Technate doesn’t just impose its rule through economic strangleholds and AI governance; it manufactures consent through narrative warfare. It needs the public to accept the system as inevitable, even desirable. And to achieve this, they use the most powerful tool of the 21st century: psychological operations (psy-ops).
Make them believe collapse is inevitable.
Make them believe resistance is futile.
Make them believe submission is the only rational choice.
Their goal is to engineer exhaustion, manipulate perception, and eliminate alternatives. The fewer choices people believe they have, the more likely they are to accept the Technate as the only viable system.
Weaponizing Narrative: The Death of Alternatives
To build the Technate, they must first erase the possibility of anything else. The goal is not just to replace democracy but to make people forget that democracy ever worked.
Every political crisis is framed as proof that governance is broken beyond repair.
Every election is portrayed as a meaningless spectacle, reinforcing apathy.
Every economic collapse is spun as an unavoidable consequence of outdated systems.
The narrative: The world is failing—not because of them, but because democracy, sovereignty, and human decision-making itself are outdated.
By the time the Technate formally consolidates, most people won’t even think to resist—it will feel like the only path left.
The Three Stages of Technate Propaganda
Stage 1: Predictive Programming – Normalize the future before it arrives.
Present AI governance, social scoring, and energy credits as progressive innovations.
Use tech culture, futurist influencers, and media to depict this shift as inevitable.
Promote a 'rational' transition away from democracy toward optimized, scientific governance.
Stage 2: Psychological Exhaustion – Wear the public down until they accept rule by fatigue.
Overwhelm people with crises (economic, social, political) to induce learned helplessness.
Undermine all traditional institutions, making the Technate seem like the only stabilizing force.
Amplify chaos while positioning corporate control as order.
Stage 3: Algorithmic Enclosure – Control the narrative by controlling access to information.
Centralize digital platforms under Technate-controlled networks.
Censor dissent not through outright bans, but through algorithmic suppression.
Reward compliance with economic and social privileges while punishing disobedience with exclusion.
By the time the Technate fully emerges, most people will believe it was always meant to be this way.
The Algorithmic Cage: Surveillance, Blackmail, and the End of Privacy
Once they have your medical records, financial data, intimate conversations, and entire digital history mapped out, how much will you be able to resist?
Every connection, every relationship, every secret—exposed, stored, and weaponized.
What happens when a whistleblower steps forward, only for the system to unearth their most embarrassing, personal, or irrelevant ‘scandals’?
Will you still listen if you discover they were a pansexual furry who enjoys hard techno and drugs?
When their intimate pictures, naked selfies, private videos, or just very vulnerable conversations surface, will you still take them seriously?
Will you even care if it's real or a deepfake, buried in an avalanche of noise?

Reality itself becomes suspect. It doesn’t matter if the scandal is true or fabricated—what matters is that no one will trust the person ever again.
They don’t need to kill a movement when they can simply discredit and humiliate anyone who tries to resist.
P. Diddy just showed us what this part of the billionaire playbook looks like: an unbearable silence that victims can’t break, and that breaks them. A system of coercion left unaccountable for so long that entire generations of artists, creators, and dissidents are traumatized before they can ever challenge it.
They don’t just watch you—they preemptively neutralize you.
How They Manufacture Apathy and Exhaustion
To ensure minimal resistance, they use a strategic combination of:
Crisis Overload – Keep people too overwhelmed to organize or resist.
Attention Hijacking – Distract with entertainment, culture wars, and scandal cycles.
Controlled Dissent – Funnel opposition into safe, performative channels that never threaten real power.
Algorithmic Memory-Holing – Bury any historical precedent of effective resistance or alternative governance.
AI-Generated Chaos – Flood the system with disinformation, ensuring that no one knows what’s real, what’s fake, or whether resistance is even possible.
Chaos isn’t just an opportunity for them—it’s a product. AI-driven disinformation ensures perpetual instability, making rebellion feel impossible.
By the time people realize what’s happening, they won’t have the energy left to fight back.
This is how the Technate doesn’t just rule—it makes you rule yourself.
Blackmail Beyond Culture: The Silent Capture of Power
This isn’t just happening in entertainment. It’s happening to politicians, regulators, and journalists.
The ones who could have stopped this system were silenced before they ever had a chance to speak.
They don’t need new laws to control power. They just need enough leverage on those who enforce them. Every official, every journalist, every critic—one scandal away from irrelevance.
And in an era where deepfakes blur the line between real and false scandals, does it even matter if it’s true?
Censorship isn’t just about speech—it’s about survival. Speak against the system, and you don’t just lose a platform. You lose access to income, services, and participation in society.
This is the final stage of control: a world where power is so absolute that rebellion isn’t outlawed—it’s unthinkable.
7. Their Mistake: Why the Technate Will Fail
They think they are designing an unstoppable system. They believe they have eliminated all resistance before it can even form. But what they fail to understand is the same flaw that has undone every would-be totalitarian empire before them: contradictions within their own ranks.
They are not a monolith—they are factions competing for dominance. Their control is fragile because they do not agree on what comes next. And they think they are building a controlled collapse, but… collapse is never predictable.
Every empire that tries to control the future too tightly ends up accelerating its own destruction. And the Technate is no exception.
The Fault Lines That Will Break Them
At first glance, they seem unified—a bloc of billionaire rulers, AI technocrats, and corporate feudalists all moving in the same direction. But beneath the surface, they are not aligned. Their competing ideologies, personal ambitions, and visions for the future will eventually tear them apart.
Musk, Thiel, Bannon—they all want different outcomes:
The techno-feudalists want total AI automation, eliminating the underclass.
The bio-reactionaries want a genetically stratified caste system based on eugenics.
The accelerationists want collapse for its own sake, believing chaos will let them reshape society.
Each of these visions cannot coexist indefinitely. The moment they begin to consolidate power, they will turn against each other.
This is their fundamental weakness—they do not actually share a long-term goal. They are a coalition of convenience, held together only by the shared goal of dismantling democracy. But when the time comes to decide who rules the ruins, their contradictions will explode.
Techno-feudalists see AI as the ultimate ruler—but bio-reactionaries insist that governance must be hereditary.
Accelerationists want chaos, but corporate feudalists need stability to extract wealth.
Theocrats want to impose religious values, but techno-oligarchs see morality as an inefficiency.
Like mafia bosses in a fragile truce, they will turn on each other the moment it serves them. Their temporary alliance is a battlefield in waiting.
And it’s not just theory—we’ve seen how these men already operate. They aren’t visionaries. They’re the same kind of men who have already stabbed each other in the back over board seats, patents, and stock buyouts. Give them absolute power, and their betrayals will be even bloodier.
The Myth of the Controlled Collapse
They believe they can engineer a slow, controlled collapse—destroying the old world on their terms, at their pace. But collapse does not work that way. It is not a smooth transition from democracy to Technate rule. It is chaos, instability, and unintended consequences.
They are betting that AI can stabilize the system before the public revolts.
They assume they will be able to outmaneuver every challenge, just as they did in business.
They think their wealth, influence, and pre-positioning will protect them from the consequences of collapse.
They do not realize that by accelerating collapse, they make the world impossible to govern—even for themselves.
The same forces they are unleashing to destroy democracy will eventually turn on them. And once the public sees that they are not invincible, that they are just another group of power-hungry elites fighting amongst themselves, the illusion of their inevitability will break.
History has seen this pattern before. Every empire that tried to orchestrate the future fell to the same forces:
The Bolsheviks turned on each other.
The French Revolution devoured its own leaders.
Corporate monopolies collapse under their own inefficiency.
The system is built on data control, but revolt does not always follow a predictable curve. The very chaos they unleash will teach people how to fight back.
And their greatest weakness? AI won’t save them.
They believe AI will keep them in power, but AI is just a machine running on human bias. It won’t fix their contradictions—it will amplify them.
They think they are engineering the future. What they are actually building is their own downfall—and something far beyond their control will take its place.
8. The Anti-Political Theory: How We Break Their Empire Before It Consolidates
Alright, Slick. This is where we might disagree—because now, I’m going to tell you my vision. And the last thing I want is to fracture the Fellowship. We need every sword, every axe, every bow. We need hobbits, dwarves, elves, and men—and if some old wizard with a beard wants to join, we definitely won’t turn him away. Hell, we might even need the eagles.
What I’m saying is: this fight isn’t about purity tests. It’s about breaking the throne before anyone else claims it.
Because if you ask me, Slick… we are not here to replace them—we are here to make sure power never centralizes again. Every past revolution fell into the same trap: thinking the answer was a different ruler, a better system, a reformed version of the same machine.
But we know better. No new rulers. No throne to take. We destroy the throne.
Expose their contradictions—force them to turn on each other faster.
Sabotage their infrastructure—make their system unmanageable.
Decentralize as resistance.
They are fighting to impose total control. Our goal is the opposite: to break control itself.
Decentralization as the Ultimate Act of Resistance
If the Technate is a system of control, the only way to beat it is to make governance itself impossible to centralize.
They need digital platforms to be monopolized. We must make them obsolete.
They need AI to track every transaction. We must create economies they can’t monitor.
They need infrastructure to be dependent on their networks. We must build alternatives.
They need predictable populations. We must become unpredictable.
This is not a war of armies—it is a war of adaptability.
This is where every past revolution failed. They fought to take over institutions, only to be consumed by the same forces they sought to overthrow. We do not take power—we dismantle its centralization.
Let’s call it The Fracture.
How to Break the Technate Before It Fully Forms
This is not just about resistance. It is about making their system ungovernable before it fully locks in.
Expose the Fractures – Force their factions to turn on each other before they consolidate power.
Make Musk and Thiel enemies. Make Bannon and Silicon Valley irreconcilable.
Amplify the contradictions between techno-feudalists, religious reactionaries, and AI accelerationists.
Sabotage Predictability – If their power depends on modeling and AI, we make the world impossible for them to map.
Live unpredictably, make decentralized decisions, break their ability to track behavior.
Build parallel economies, parallel cultures, parallel infrastructures.
Erode Their Legitimacy – Make it clear that they are not inevitable—they are just men hiding behind an illusion of control.
Every failed prediction, every exposed hypocrisy weakens their power.
Make them look weak, unstable, incompetent.
Decentralize Everything – The future is not a new empire, but a world where empires can no longer form.
Local, autonomous, self-sustaining networks.
Redundant systems that cannot be centrally controlled.
The goal is not new rulers—the goal is a world where rulers become obsolete.
They need obedience. We give them unpredictability.
They need submission. We make governance unmanageable.
They need us to believe in their control. We show the world they are fragile.
This is not a resistance that seeks power. It is a resistance that makes centralized power impossible.
The Philosophy: The Only Revolution That Matters
Every revolution that tried to replace power with better power became what it overthrew. We don’t repeat that mistake. The only way to win is to end centralized power itself.
This isn’t just about breaking the Technate. It’s about making sure nothing like it can ever rise again.
We fight not to rule, but to ensure that no one can. Decentralization is not just strategy—it is survival.
They build walls; we vanish through them.
They map us; we become untraceable.
They demand obedience; we give them chaos.
We do not seek to rule. We seek to end the rulers.
The Cultural War: You’re Cosplaying the Wrong Movie
They think they are in The Lord of the Rings, playing Aragorn the Rightful King, reforging Narsil, reclaiming the throne.
They think they are in The Matrix, the cyberpunk genius who saw through the illusion. They tell themselves they are the philosopher-kings of Altered Carbon, the rebels of Star Wars, the architects of a bright new future.
But they are not Aragorn. They are not Frodo. They are Sauron, they are Saruman, they are the ones who forged the rings, believing they could bind us all to their rule.
But we are not playing their game. We are the stupid little hobbits they underestimate. And we will take their fucking ring and cast it into Mount Doom.
It’s not Comic-Con, not a renaissance. It’s not their story, Slick.
They think they’re in Lord of the Rings, reforging the blade. But this isn’t Aragorn’s return—it’s Dune.
Not prophecy. Not destiny. A story. And we write the next chapter.
Channel your inner Muad’Dib, Slick—time to wage Jihad on these motherfuckers.
Now, we raise hell. And tomorrow, we build.
So, what comes next? If we dismantle them, what replaces them? What comes after the Technate?
They think they’ve trapped us in their simulation. But we’re past the red pill moment, Slick. This is the part where we start rewriting the code.
9. What Comes After We Break Them?
Collapsing the Technate is only the first battle. The war is over what comes next. And that war is already beginning.
The Technate is not the final boss. Centralized power itself is.
Destroying their empire is only the first step—what comes next must be ungovernable.
The failure of past revolutions wasn’t just in who took power—it was in the assumption that power needed to exist at all. Every system that claimed to be for the people eventually became a mechanism of control over them. The mistake was always the same: they sought to replace the master instead of destroying the throne.
But this time, we break the cycle. No rulers. No throne. No empire to rise from the ashes.
The End of Power, Not the Transfer of It
The problem is not just the Technate, or even the billionaire junta behind it. The real problem is centralization itself. Every system, once it consolidates power, eventually operates on the same logic—control, obedience, and the elimination of alternatives.
4PT assumes collapse must be engineered to create a new order.
APT (Anti-Political Theory) says collapse must be allowed to break power itself.
The world they are trying to build—technocratic feudalism, AI-driven governance, controlled resource flows—is not the inevitable future. It is only one vision. And it is a vision that must fail if we refuse to accept it.
A world where no one rules is not a world without order. It is a world where order emerges, rather than being imposed.
The future is not theirs to dictate. It is ours to create.
The centralized world is collapsing. Now, we decide what rises in its place.
10. The Next Piece: The Answer Is Not a New Empire
Every dystopia tells us what we are afraid of. But what do we build instead? If we reject the Technate, if we dismantle their centralized empire—what takes its place?
They believe the only choices are control or chaos. We choose neither.
We choose another way—one they cannot rule over.
If 4PT envisions an engineered collapse that leads to a new empire, APT envisions collapse as the event that makes empire itself impossible. The world after the Technate is not a new ruler—it is a world where rulers have no mechanism to control.
We have glimpses of this idea in fiction, in alternative visions of the future. Neal Stephenson’s The Diamond Age offers a framework for thinking about what comes after control. Not a utopia, but a world that is beyond empire. But I won’t spoil it, Slick.
The Technate assumes the future will be dictated from above. We refuse that premise.
Their tools—AI, automation, engineered collapse—are not destiny. They are choices. And choices can be denied. We can say no.
And you bet we will.
How We Ensure the Technate Never Rises Again
Expose & Escalate Their Contradictions—Turn factions against each other before they consolidate power.
Sabotage Predictability—Make centralized control impossible to maintain.
Build Networks That Outlive Empires—Self-sustaining, autonomous alternatives.
The goal is not just to defeat them—it is to create a world where no one can ever consolidate power like this again. Decentralization is the revolution.
The Practical Next Steps: The Decentralization of Everything
Parallel Systems: Create infrastructures that do not rely on centralized power. Open-source everything.
Decentralized Networks: Communication, commerce, education—systems that function without single points of failure.
Autonomy Over Dependency: Communities that generate their own resources, independent of corporate control.
The battle is already underway. The Technate is not inevitable. The world does not belong to them. The real revolution is not just resistance—it is building something stronger in its place.
Their control dies the moment we stop believing in it. The world does not belong to them—it never did.
History belongs to the insurgents. And we are not here to ask permission—we are here to ensure no one ever rules again.
They thought they could dictate the future. Now, we take it back.
The Technate assumes the future belongs to rulers. They are wrong—the future belongs to those who refuse to be ruled.
And until then,
Stay Slick.
PS: So, not long ago, the White House said Violence should only be condemned, never encouraged or joked about. It also said, Turns out that jokes are way less funny if people don't know the context and the delivery is in plain text. So personally, I would never encourage anyone to do anything like violence, or raise or take part in an insurrection or anything like that, of course.
Hi Slick, this is a wonderfully accurate description of the dynamics among a subset of humans, mostly men, whose self-esteem rests upon their sense of control over and influence upon others.
I agree that the accumulation of money serves the drive for interpersonal power. The sense that we can affect others is the basis for the need we all have to feel good about ourselves, to feel like we matter, like we're important.
Beneath the surface of men like the Koch brothers, Trump, Putin, Musk, and bunches of technocrats and autocrats, lies the broken hearts of little boys who were deprived of tenderness in their earliest relationships with mothers, fathers, nannies, etc.
They grew up determined not to care about that and They discovered that they could keep heartache and shame at bay by substituting toughness and an annihilating form of competition as the basis for self-esteem. Western culture has been shaped, for thousands of years, by these dynamics so boys like this step into a long line of autocratic role-models beginning with emotionally distant and insensitive parents, especially fathers, who humiliate and ridicule the inborn sensitivity of their little boys who might otherwise retain their inherent sweetness.
My suggestion is that we, collectively, observe how the taboo on tenderness destroys little boys before the age of three and exposes them to a culture of cruelty in which they must dominate or be humiliatingly dominated for the rest of their lives. Boys and girls absorb the gendered messages the culture, by way of the family first, sends them. As we individually and collectively alter our emotional stance towards our infants and toddlers we alter the character and values of the adults they will become.
Fantastic read! Awesome! Thanks!
But I disagree with one of the pillars of your conclusion:
"This isn’t just about breaking the Technate. It’s about making sure nothing like it can ever rise again."
This strikes me as ahistorical. Empires and civilizations do collapse, and then what remains is a decentralized patchwork of communities which slowly declines (in harmony with nature locally) until the next incarnation takes over. There are a few historical examples of federal empires or civilizations (ex. SE Asia or the natives of N. America) sustainably existing in a decentralized way, but eventually these fall to their neighboring empires expansion.
Like you I believe the revolution has already occurred and we're now in a transitional phase of consolidation in the illiberal age. And eventually a resistance will emerge and the system will fall apart, or at least cut off parts it can't control, because like you said, it's inevitable.
There are a lot of unknowns though. So I'd say it's unclear where we end up.
Sci-fi world presents us with black swans, and then there's God.
If I were to criticize your essay I'd say the omission of God, faith and meaning or purpose of life, these are going to be relevant going forward. There's also a curious debate about AI and the occult, but this is sci-fi world too.